From Yade
Google Summer of Code 2011
This page lists intial ideas about possible topics for Google Summer of Code, if Yade applies for that.
- Packaging and porting (rpm packages, Windows build, buildbots)
- Improve the build system ()
Correctness and performance
- Grid collider, including sub-domains
- Multi-core optimizations
- Testing suite for contact laws (incl. dissipated energy, cyclic loading)
- Integration with paraview (streaming data during the simulation? Python scripts for loading all simulation data at once)
- Ssh server (adapted shellinabox) to connect to the instance, with ipython inside.
- Make SnapshotEngine safe; create videos including 3d (loaded from pdf/png) and matplotlib plots in one figure; make yade.plot use numpy.array, use simple expressions in plot specifications; off-screen rendering (with either qglviewer or vtk) for batch simulations.
- Topology information for single-multi and multi-multi interactions (continuous surfaces, volumetric interactions of tetrahedra meshes and such)
- Define local coordinates for all interactions