
From Yade

Revision as of 11:59, 13 June 2014 by Kubeu (talk | contribs) (added bullet points at code and website)

Coding Fest and Brainstorming

The idea is to discuss minor changes and improvements for the code and the website and annoying things you think we need to change. It is mainly related to existing features but new features/ideas are welcome too.

Please feel free to add your ideas to the following lists.


  • remove deprecated code
  • provide install script for packages (with automatic check of OS version)
  • add link to example script or add minimal python code for each contact law
  • add status/quick info table to contact laws (see
  • possible restructuring of contact laws (e.g. split force calculation in order to avoid duplicated code)
  • easier handling of contacts between different materials
  • add a function for facets that recognizes when a particles crosses the facet -> e.g. because timestep was set too small


  • remove deprecated examples or update script
  • restructure example scripts, maybe: simple features, advanced features, applications, tests
  • each contact law should have an example
  • should we add author/email to examples?


  • remove deprecated documentation
  • remove deprecated screenshots (e.g.
  • add section on how to debug efficiently (everyone is doing it differently I guess, so let's exchange ideas)
  • discuss what should be on doc website and what on wiki
  • add site for features, list features (simple features, advanced features, applications)
  • update links to scripts
  • update documentation of constitutive laws: give reference for each contact law in doc; summarise in wordsw how normal/tangential force/damping is calculated