Flow engines on ubuntu 12.04
From Yade
1. download openblas and compile it
Openblas is a packaged version of gotoblas, which is recommended by most matrix library developpers. It is available precompiled in 12.04 but it breaks python's matplotlib because it provides a different version of lapack, which is a dependency of matplotlib.
Therefore, you should download the sources at github: https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/zipball/master
- gfortran
Compile somewhere in your home dir (be sure to have gfortran installed and type make FC=gfortran so as to use the right compiler) and keep the /path/to/libopenblas.so.0 in mind for the next steps.
Make a symlink to /path/to/openblas.so.0 in the standard path so that yade will find it at startup:
sudo ln -s /path/to/libopenblas.so.0 /usr/lib/libopenblas.so.0
2. Compile taucs
Download taucs sources from the CGAL project or, simpler, download the version that I already configured for 12.04 + openblas here)
If you want to change the build config, see /config/linux.mk (for instance to set the path to openblas).
Compiling taucs may give harmless error messages even if it actually compiled (it failed at post-built test stages), ignore them and just check that /src/taucs.h and /lib/linux/libtaucs.a are present.
make make install
- openblas
- metis or parmetis (you can just install parmetis from 12.04, or download and compile your own metis-4.0.1 from http://glaros.dtc.umn.edu/gkhome/fsroot/sw/metis/OLD, it doesn't really matter both ways should work)
- ?
3. configure the compilation of yade/lib/triangulation
It should be possible to do it all in the scons.profile, but for the moment I just modified /trunk/lib/sconscript like this:
# vim: set filetype=python :
env.Install('$LIBDIR/lib',env.SharedLibrary('yade-support',[ env.Combine('yade-support.cpp',['base/Math.cpp']+ ['factory/ClassFactory.cpp','factory/DynLibManager.cpp','multimethods/Indexable.cpp','serialization/Serializable.cpp','pyutil/gil.cpp'] # compile TesselationWrapper only if cgal is enabled in features +(Split('triangulation/KinematicLocalisationAnalyser.cpp triangulation/Timer.cpp triangulation/basicVTKwritter.cpp triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.cpp triangulation/PeriodicFlow.cpp triangulation/Tenseur3.cpp triangulation/TriaxialState.cpp') if 'cgal' in env['features'] else []) +(['opengl/GLUtils.cpp'] if 'opengl' in env['features'] else []) ), ],LIBS=['dl','m']+(['taucs','metis','openblas','gomp','gfortran'] if 'cgal' in env['features'] else []) +[l for l in env['LIBS'] if l!='yade-support']+(['glut','GL','GLU'] if 'opengl' in env['features'] else []), LINKFLAGS=env['LINKFLAGS']+['-L/path/to/taucs_full/lib/linux','-L/path/to/metis-4.0 (if compiled) ', '-L/path/to/lib/openblas/lib/','-pthread','-Wl','-Bsymbolic-function','-ansi'],CXXFLAGS=env['CXXFLAGS']+['-fPIC','-frounding-math','-ansi'] ))
5. Compile Yade with linsolv enabled
As usual, get the "linsolv" version of flow engines and compile yade with cgal enabled, and -DFLOW_ENGINE, -DLINSOLV in Yade's compile flags.