This tutorial originated as handout for a course held at Technische Universität Dresden / Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen / Institut für Geotechnik in Jaunary 2011. The focus was to give quick and rather practical introduction to people without prior modeling experience, but with knowledge of mechanics. Some computer literacy was assumed, though basics are reviewed in the Hands-on section.
The course did not in reality follow this document, but was based on interactive writing and commenting simple Examples, which were mostly suggested by participants; many thanks to them for their ideas and suggestions.
- Introduction
- Hands-on
- Data mining
- Setting up a simulation
- Advanced & more
- Examples with tutorial
- More examples
- FluidCouplingLBM
- FluidCouplingPFV
- HydroForceEngine
- PeriodicBoundaries
- PotentialBlocks
- PotentialParticles
- WireMatPM
- Adaptiveintegrator
- Agglomerate
- Baraban
- Bulldozer
- Capillary
- CapillaryLaplaceYoung
- Chained-cylinders
- Clumps
- Clumps-breakage
- Concrete
- Conveyor
- Cylinders
- Deformableelem
- Grids
- Gts-horse
- Hourglass
- Packs
- Pfacet
- Polyhedra
- PolyhedraBreak
- Ring2d
- Rod-penetration
- Simple-scene
- Stl-gts
- Tesselationwrapper
- Test
- Tetra
- ViscoelasticBoundaryCondition