Source code for yade.polyhedra_utils

# 2013 Jan Elias,,
Auxiliary functions for polyhedra

import math, random, doctest, geom, numpy
from yade import Vector3
from yade.wrapper import *
try:  # use psyco if available
   import psyco
except ImportError:

# c++ implementations for performance reasons
from yade._polyhedra_utils import *
from yade.utils import randomColor

#create polyhedra, one can specify vertices directly, or leave it empty for random shape
[docs] def polyhedra(material, size=Vector3(1, 1, 1), seed=None, v=[], mask=1, fixed=False, color=[-1, -1, -1]): """create polyhedra, one can specify vertices directly, or leave it empty for random shape. :param Material material: material of new body :param Vector3 size: size of new body (see Polyhedra docs) :param float seed: seed for random operations :param [Vector3] v: list of body vertices (see Polyhedra docs) """ b = Body() random.seed(seed) b.aspherical = True if len(v) > 0: b.shape = Polyhedra(v=v) else: b.shape = Polyhedra(size=size, seed=random.randint(0, int(1E6))) if color[0] == -1: b.shape.color = randomColor(seed=random.randint(0, int(1E6))) else: b.shape.color = color b.mat = material b.state.mass = b.mat.density * b.shape.GetVolume() b.state.inertia = b.shape.GetInertia() * b.mat.density b.state.ori = b.shape.GetOri() b.state.pos = b.shape.GetCentroid() b.mask = mask if fixed: b.state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ' return b
#********************************************************************************** #creates polyhedra having N vertices and resembling sphere
[docs] def polyhedralBall(radius, N, material, center, mask=1): """creates polyhedra having N vertices and resembling sphere :param float radius: ball radius :param int N: number of vertices :param Material material: material of new body :param Vector3 center: center of the new body """ pts = [] inc = math.pi * (3. - math.sqrt(5.)) off = 2. / float(N) for k in range(0, N): y = k * off - 1. + (off / 2.) r = math.sqrt(1. - y * y) phi = k * inc pts.append([math.cos(phi) * r * radius, y * radius, math.sin(phi) * r * radius]) ball = polyhedra(material, v=pts) ball.state.pos = center return ball
[docs] def polyhedraTruncIcosaHed(radius, material, centre, mask=1): pts = [] p = (1. + math.sqrt(5.)) / 2. f = radius / math.sqrt(9. * p + 1.) A = [[0., 1., 3. * p], [2., 1. + 2. * p, p], [1., 2. + p, 2. * p]] for a in A: a = [a[0] * f, a[1] * f, a[2] * f] B = [a, [a[1], a[2], a[0]], [a[2], a[0], a[1]]] for b in B: pts.append(b) if not b[0] == 0: pts.append([-b[0], b[1], b[2]]) if not b[1] == 0: pts.append([-b[0], -b[1], b[2]]) if not b[2] == 0: pts.append([-b[0], -b[1], -b[2]]) if not b[2] == 0: pts.append([-b[0], b[1], -b[2]]) if not b[1] == 0: pts.append([b[0], -b[1], b[2]]) if not b[2] == 0: pts.append([b[0], -b[1], -b[2]]) if not b[2] == 0: pts.append([b[0], b[1], -b[2]]) ball = polyhedra(material, v=pts) ball.state.pos = centre return ball
[docs] def polyhedraSnubCube(radius, material, centre, mask=1): pts = [] f = radius / 1.3437133737446 c1 = 0.337754 c2 = 1.14261 c3 = 0.621226 A = [[c2, c1, c3], [c1, c3, c2], [c3, c2, c1], [-c1, -c2, -c3], [-c2, -c3, -c1], [-c3, -c1, -c2]] for a in A: a = [a[0] * f, a[1] * f, a[2] * f] pts.append([-a[0], -a[1], a[2]]) pts.append([a[0], -a[1], -a[2]]) pts.append([-a[0], a[1], -a[2]]) pts.append([a[0], a[1], a[2]]) ball = polyhedra(material, v=pts) ball.state.pos = centre return ball
#********************************************************************************** #fill box [mincoord, maxcoord] by non-overlaping polyhedrons with random geometry and sizes within the range (uniformly distributed)
[docs] def fillBox(mincoord, maxcoord, material, sizemin=[1, 1, 1], sizemax=[1, 1, 1], ratio=[0, 0, 0], seed=None, mask=1): """fill box [mincoord, maxcoord] by non-overlaping polyhedrons with random geometry and sizes within the range (uniformly distributed) :param Vector3 mincoord: first corner :param Vector3 maxcoord: second corner :param Vector3 sizemin: minimal size of bodies :param Vector3 sizemax: maximal size of bodies :param Vector3 ratio: scaling ratio :param float seed: random seed """ random.seed(seed) v = fillBox_cpp(mincoord, maxcoord, sizemin, sizemax, ratio, random.randint(0, int(1E6)), material)
#lastnan = -1 #for i in range(0,len(v)): # if(math.isnan(v[i][0])): # O.bodies.append(polyhedra(material,seed=random.randint(0,int(1E6)),v=v[lastnan+1:i],mask=1,fixed=False)) # lastnan = i #********************************************************************************** #fill box [mincoord, maxcoord] by non-overlaping polyhedrons with random geometry and sizes within the range (uniformly distributed)
[docs] def fillBoxByBalls(mincoord, maxcoord, material, sizemin=[1, 1, 1], sizemax=[1, 1, 1], ratio=[0, 0, 0], seed=None, mask=1, numpoints=60): random.seed(seed) v = fillBoxByBalls_cpp(mincoord, maxcoord, sizemin, sizemax, ratio, random.randint(0, int(1E6)), material, numpoints)
#lastnan = -1 #for i in range(0,len(v)): # if(math.isnan(v[i][0])): # O.bodies.append(polyhedra(material,seed=random.randint(0,int(1E6)),v=v[lastnan+1:i],mask=1,fixed=False)) # lastnan = i