# 2018 © Bruno Chareyre <bruno.chareyre@grenoble-inp.fr>
This module defines mpirun(), a parallel implementation of run() using a distributed memory approach. Message passing is done with mpi4py mainly, however some messages are also handled in c++ (with openmpi).
.. note:: Many internals of the mpy module listed on this page are not helpful to the user. Instead, please find :ref:`introductory material on mpy module<mpy>` in user manual.
The logic for an initially centralized scene is as follows:
1. Instanciate a complete, ordinary, yade scene
2. Insert subdomains as special yade bodies. This is somehow similar to adding a clump body on the top of clump members
3. Broadcast this scene to all workers. In the initialization phase the workers will:
- define the bounding box of their assigned bodies and return it to other workers
- detect which assigned bodies are virtually in interaction with other domains (based on their bounding boxes) and communicate the lists to the relevant workers
- erase the bodies which are neither assigned nor virtually interacting with the subdomain
4. Run a number of 'regular' iterations without re-running collision detection (verlet dist mechanism). In each regular iteration the workers will:
- calculate internal and cross-domains interactions
- execute Newton on assigned bodies (modified Newton skips other domains)
- send updated positions to other workers and partial force on floor to master
5. When one worker triggers collision detection all workers will follow. It will result in updating the intersections between subdomains.
6. If enabled, bodies may be re-allocated to different domains just after a collision detection, based on a filter. Custom filters are possible. One is predidefined here (medianFilter)
- intersections[0] has 0-bodies (to which we need to send force)
- intersections[thisDomain] has ids of the other domains overlapping the current ones
- intersections[otherDomain] has ids of bodies in _current_ domain which are overlapping with other domain (for which we need to send updated pos/vel)
handle subD.intersections with care (same for mirrorIntersections). subD.intersections.append() will not reach the c++ object. subD.intersections can only be assigned (a list of list of int)
import sys, os, inspect
import time
import numpy as np
import yade.runtime
this = sys.modules[__name__]
#from yade import *
from yade.utils import *
from yade.wrapper import *
#import yade.runtime
from yade import timing
timing.mpi = {} #prepare a dictionnary for mpi-related stats
# for coloring bodies
import colorsys
## Config flags
ACCUMULATE_FORCES = True #control force summation on master's body. FIXME: if false master goes out of sync since nothing is blocking rank=0 thread
COLOR_OUTPUT = True # color mprint output per rank / turn off here for sphinx build mainly
MAX_RANK_OUTPUT = 5 #: larger ranks will be skipped in mprint
TIMEOUT = 60 # after this delay self-kill, so we don't leave the OS with nasty orphan processes
SEND_SHAPES = False #if false only bodies' states are communicated between threads, else shapes as well (to be implemented)
ERASE_REMOTE = True # True is MANDATORY. Erase bodies not interacting wit a given subdomain? else keep dead clones of all bodies in each scene
ERASE_REMOTE_MASTER = True # erase remotes on master or keep them for fast merge (updating just b.state)
YADE_TIMING = False #report timing.stats()?
ENABLE_PFACETS = False #PFacets need special (and expensive) tricks, if PFacets are not used skip the tricks
DISTRIBUTED_INSERT = False #if True each worker is supposed to "O.bodies.insertAtId" its own bodies
REALLOCATE_FREQUENCY = 0 # if >0 checkAndCollide() will automatically reallocate bodies to subdomains, if =1 realloc. happens each time collider is triggered, if >1 it happens every N trigger
REALLOCATE_FILTER = None # pointer to filtering function, will be set to 'medianFilter' hereafter, could point to other ones if implemented
FAIR_SHARE = True # try to keep equal no. bodies per subdomain when reallocating
MINIMAL_INTERSECTIONS = False # Reduces the size of position/velocity comms (at the end of the colliding phase, we can exclude those bodies with no interactions besides body<->subdomain from intersections).
REALLOCATE_MINIMAL = False # if true, intersections are minimized before reallocations, hence minimizing the number of reallocated bodies
MASTER_UPDATE_STATES = False # does master thread need to provide updated pos/vel? else they will be fixed or moved by the workers (e.g. MotionEngines)
fibreList = []
fluidBodies = []
USE_CPP_INTERS = False #sending intersections using mpi4py sometimes fails (dependent on mpi4py version, needs confirmation) (ERR : MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE)
### Internals
comm = None
comm_slave = None # will be MPI.Comm.Get_parent() at runtime, until we disconnect
rank = None
numThreads = None
MPI = None # will be mpi4py.MPI after configure()
waitingCommands = False # are workers currently interactive?
userScriptInCheckList = "" # detect if mpy is executed by checkList.py
caller_name = "" # name of the executed script (typically user script, alternatively yadeSphinx.py or checkList.py)
colorScale = None
# for coloring processes outputs differently
bcolors = ['\x1b[95m', '\x1b[94m', '\x1b[93m', '\x1b[92m', '\x1b[91m', '\x1b[90m', '\x1b[95m', '\x1b[93m', '\x1b[91m', '\x1b[1m', '\x1b[4m', '\x1b[0m']
#tags for mpi messages
_SCENE_ = 11
_FORCES_ = 15
_POS_VEL_ = 17
_BOUNDS_ = 18
def makeColorScale(n=numThreads):
scale = [(0.3 + random.random()) * Vector3(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(value * 1.0 / n, 1, 1)) for value in range(0, n)]
from random import shuffle
return scale
def mprint(*args, force=False): #this one will print regardless of VERBOSE_OUTPUT
Print with rank-reflecting color regardless of mpy.VERBOSE_OUTPUT, still limited to rank<=mpy.MAX_RANK_OUTPUT
if (NO_OUTPUT or rank > MAX_RANK_OUTPUT) and not force:
m = bcolors[min(rank, len(bcolors) - 2)] if COLOR_OUTPUT else ''
resetFont = '\x1b[0m' if COLOR_OUTPUT else ''
if rank == 0:
m += 'Master: '
m += 'Worker' + str(rank) + ": "
for a in args:
m += str(a) + " "
print(m + resetFont)
# sys.stdout.flush() # maybe?
def wprint(*args):
Print with rank-reflecting color, *only if* mpy.VERBOSE_OUTPUT=True (else see :yref:`yade.mpy.mprint`), limited to rank<=mpy.MAX_RANK_OUTPUT
### Here we detect current MPI context *only if needed*, i.e. importing mpy without actually using it will not call configure() (then no MPI related warnings)
#if yade.runtime.opts.mpi_mode:
def colorDomains():
Apply color to body to reflect their subdomain idx
global colorScale
if len(colorScale) < numThreads:
colorScale = makeColorScale(numThreads)
for b in O.bodies:
b.shape.color = colorScale[b.subdomain]
## Initialization
configure() # needed at import time, else we can't check rank or numThreads right after import
def disconnect():
Kill all mpi processes, leaving python interpreter to rank 0 as in single-threaded execution.
The scenes in workers are lost since further reconnexion to mpi will just spawn new processes.
The scene in master thread is left unchanged.
global comm, comm_slave, numThreads
if comm == None:
return #not connected
if rank == 0: # exit the interactive mode on master _after_ telling workers to exit
wprint("sending exit command")
sendCommand(executors="slaves", command="exit", wait=False)
if comm != MPI.COMM_NULL and comm_slave != MPI.COMM_NULL: # only true after spawn/merge, false if executed with 'mpirun -np yade'
# (1) should be a Disconnect(), no a Free(), but we have an issue with openmpi it seems
# https://bitbucket.org/mpi4py/mpi4py/issues/176/disconnect-hangs-with-openmp31-python-38
# (2) for some reason even comm.Free() causes trouble: multiple parallel scripts can be
# chained in 'yade --check' after free(), but not all of them. Ultimately it crashes like this on checkMPISilo.py (unbuntu20.04):
# Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
# Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
# Failing at address: 0x49
# [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x46210)[0x7ff3982d3210]
# [ 1] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi3/mca_pml_ob1.so(mca_pml_ob1_add_comm+0x169)[0x7ff378060789]
# commenting out "Free()" seems to workaround, so let it be. Unclear if it is a bug here or an issue with openmpi
if rank > 0: # kill workers
mprint("mpy already disconnected, size=",)
comm = None
comm_slave = None
numThreads = None
yade.runtime.opts.mpi_mode = False
O.splittedOnce = False
O.splitted = False
def makeMpiArgv():
stack = inspect.stack()
interactive = False
yadeArgv = sys.yade_argv.copy() # the arguments to be passed to workers
if '--check' in yadeArgv:
yadeArgv.remove("--check") # escape this since the check scripts will be called from master thread already
if '--checkall' in yadeArgv:
# 'mpy.py' will be the caller in first N lines, followed by a py script or some interactive command
# we search backward the first line where caller is not mpy.py to identify the script calling initialize
# in a way to handle execfiled scripts (e.g. yade --check)
lastCalledScript = ""
searchDepth = 6
for line in range(searchDepth):
if stack[line][3] == 'run_code': # we are in interactive shell, no script to run
interactive = True
for kArg in range(1, len(stack[line])):
if str(stack[line][kArg])[-3:] == '.py':
if str(stack[line][kArg])[-6:] == 'mpy.py':
break # jump to next line in the stack
lastCalledScript = stack[line][kArg]
if lastCalledScript != "":
if lastCalledScript != "":
kArg = 1
while kArg < len(yadeArgv):
if yadeArgv[kArg][-3:] == '.py':
yadeArgv[kArg] = lastCalledScript
kArg += 1
if kArg == len(yadeArgv): # yadeArgv empty of any script => execfiled from python shell
return yadeArgv, interactive
def initialize(np):
global comm, comm_slave, rank, numThreads, userScriptInCheckList, colorScale, waitingCommands
if (comm != None and yade.runtime.opts.mpi_mode == True):
if rank == 0:
disconnect() # reset to virgin context
exit # kill myself, I'm part of deprecated pool
if comm == None:
configure() # should only happen after a despawn
process_count = comm.Get_size()
if rank == 0: # MASTER
yadeArgv, waitingCommands = makeMpiArgv()
numThreads = np
colorScale = makeColorScale(numThreads)
mprint("will spawn ", numThreads - process_count, " workers running:", yadeArgv[0], yadeArgv[1:])
comm_slave = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Spawn(yadeArgv[0], args=yadeArgv[1:], maxprocs=numThreads - process_count)
comm = comm_slave.Merge()
yade.runtime.opts.mpi_mode = True
if waitingCommands:
declareMasterInteractive() #in interactive session tell the workers to ignore timeout
else: #WORKERS
#initialize subdomains. For Master it will be used storage and comm only, for workers it will be over-written in the split operation
O.subD = Subdomain()
O.subD.comm = comm
return rank, numThreads
def spawnedProcessWaitCommand():
global waitingCommands
if waitingCommands:
if comm == None:
wprint("I'm now waiting")
waitingCommands = True
s = MPI.Status()
while 1:
maxTime = time.time() + TIMEOUT
waitTime = 0
while (TIMEOUT == 0 or waitTime < maxTime) and not comm.Iprobe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=_MASTER_COMMAND_, status=s):
waitTime = time.time()
if TIMEOUT != 0 and waitTime >= maxTime:
mprint("orphan yade worker disconnecting")
command = comm.recv(source=s.source, tag=_MASTER_COMMAND_)
if command == "exit": #this is to terminate the waiting loop remotely
comm.send(0, dest=s.source, tag=_RETURN_VALUE_)
wprint("will now execute ", command)
comm.send(None, dest=s.source, tag=_RETURN_VALUE_)
mprint(sys.exc_info(), force=True)
waitingCommands = False
disconnect() # this will kill the workers
def declareMasterInteractive():
This is to signal that we are in interactive session, so TIMEOUT will be reset to 0 (ignored)
global TIMEOUT
if rank == 0:
waitingCommands = True
sendCommand("slaves", "sys.modules['yade.mpy'].TIMEOUT=0", False)
def sendCommand(executors, command, wait=True, workerToWorker=False):
Send a command to a worker (or list of) from master or from another worker. Accepted executors are "i", "[i,j,k]", "slaves", "all" (then even master will execute the command).
start = time.time()
if (rank > 0 and not workerToWorker):
wprint("sendCommand ignored by worker", rank, ", pass workerToWorker=True to force it")
if (executors == "all"):
executors = list(range(numThreads))
if (executors == "slaves"):
executors = list(range(1, numThreads))
argIsList = isinstance(executors, list)
toMaster = (argIsList and 0 in executors) or executors == 0
if (toMaster and rank > 0):
mprint("workers cannot sendCommand to master (only master to itself)")
if not argIsList:
executors = [executors]
#if 0 in executors: mprint("master does not accept mpi commands"); return
if len(executors) > numThreads:
mprint("executors > numThreads")
if wait and not command == "exit": #trick command to make it return a result by mpi
commandSent = "resCommand=" + command + ";comm.send(resCommand,dest=" + str(rank) + ",tag=_RETURN_VALUE_)"
commandSent = command
reqs = []
for w in executors:
#note: if the return from this isend() is not appended to a list we have random deadlock
if (w > 0):
reqs.append(comm.isend(commandSent, dest=w, tag=_MASTER_COMMAND_))
resCommand = []
if toMaster: #eval command on master since it wasn't done yet
resCommand = [eval(command)]
resCommand = [None]
mprint(sys.exc_info(), force=True)
if wait:
resCommand = resCommand + [comm.recv(source=w, tag=_RETURN_VALUE_) for w in executors if w > 0]
wprint("sendCommand returned in " + str(time.time() - start) + " s")
return (resCommand if argIsList else resCommand[0])
for r in reqs:
r.wait() # make sure everything has been sent
return None
def probeRecvMessage(source, tag):
msgStat = MPI.Status()
comm.Probe(source=source, tag=tag, status=msgStat)
if msgStat.tag == tag:
print("message size recvd")
data = bytearray(msgStat.Get_count(MPI.BYTE))
comm.Recv([data, MPI.BYTE], source=source, tag=tag)
return data
### TIMING ###
def recordMpiTiming(name, val):
append val to a list of values defined by 'name' in the dictionnary timing.mpi
if not name in yade.timing.mpi.keys():
yade.timing.mpi[name] = []
def mpiStats():
if (waitingCommands and rank == 0):
sendCommand(list(range(1, numThreads)), "mpiStats()")
dat = yade.timing.mpi
dat = comm.gather(dat, root=0)
return dat
yade.timing.mpiStats = mpiStats
class Timing_comm():
def __init__(self):
self.timings = {}
def clear(self):
self.timings = {}
def print_all(self):
time.sleep((numThreads - rank) * 0.001)
max_string_len = len(max(self.timings.keys(), key=len))
for k, v in sorted(self.timings.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][1], reverse=True):
message += ("{:<" + str(max_string_len) + "}").format(k) + " " + str(v) + "\n"
def enable_timing(comm_function):
def wrapper(self, timing_name, *args, **kwargs):
ti = time.time()
rvalue = comm_function(self, *args, **kwargs)
if (not timing_name in self.timings.keys()):
self.timings[timing_name] = [0, 0]
self.timings[timing_name][0] += 1
self.timings[timing_name][1] += time.time() - ti
return rvalue
return wrapper
def send(self, *args, **kwargs):
return comm.send(*args, **kwargs)
def recv(self, *args, **kwargs):
return comm.recv(*args, **kwargs)
def bcast(self, *args, **kwargs):
return comm.bcast(*args, **kwargs)
def allreduce(self, *args, **kwargs):
return comm.allreduce(*args, **kwargs)
def Gather(self, *args, **kwargs):
return comm.Gather(*args, **kwargs)
def Gatherv(self, *args, **kwargs):
return comm.Gatherv(*args, **kwargs)
def Allgather(self, *args, **kwargs):
return comm.Allgather(*args, **kwargs)
#this is to time the cpp messages
def mpiWaitReceived(self, *args, **kwargs):
return O.subD.mpiWaitReceived(*args, **kwargs)
def mpiWait(self, req):
return comm.wait(req)
def mpiSendStates(self, *args, **kwargs):
return O.subD.mpiSendStates(*args, **kwargs)
timing_comm = Timing_comm()
def receiveForces(subdomains):
Accumulate forces from subdomains (only executed by master process), should happen after ForceResetter but before Newton and before any other force-dependent engine (e.g. StressController), could be inserted via yade's pyRunner.
if 0: #non-blocking: this should be replaced by isend+recv since irecv may have too small default buffer size, use blocking for now
reqForces = []
#for sd in subdomains:
for sd in O.subD.intersections[0]:
#wprint( "master getting forces from "+str(b.subdomain)+"(id="+str(b.id)+")")
reqForces.append(comm.irecv(None, sd, tag=_FORCES_))
#wprint( "master got forces from "+str(b.subdomain)+": "+str(forces))
for r in reqForces:
forces = r.wait()
for ft in forces:
#wprint( "adding force "+str(ft[1])+" to body "+str(ft[0]))
O.forces.addF(ft[0], ft[1])
O.forces.addT(ft[0], ft[2])
for sd in subdomains:
forces = timing_comm.recv("isendRecvForces", source=sd, tag=_FORCES_)
#wprint( "master got forces from "+str(sd)+": "+str(forces)+" iter="+str(O.iter)+" dt="+str(O.dt))
for ft in forces:
#wprint( "adding force "+str(ft[1])+" to body "+str(ft[0]))
O.forces.addF(ft[0], ft[1])
O.forces.addT(ft[0], ft[2])
def shrinkIntersections():
Reduce intersections and mirrorIntersections to bodies effectively interacting with another statefull body form current subdomain
This will reduce the number of updates in sendRecvStates
Initial lists are backed-up and need to be restored (and all states updated) before collision detection (see checkAndCollide())
if hasattr(O.subD, "fullIntersections") and O.subD.fullIntersections != None:
mprint("Problem HERE!!!!!!!!!!!")
O.subD.fullIntersections = O.subD.intersections
O.subD.fullMirrorIntersections = O.subD.mirrorIntersections
if (rank == 0):
return 0, 0
oriLen = sum([len(c) for c in O.subD.intersections])
res = O.subD.filterIntersections()
##ints = O.subD.mirrorIntersections
## What follows did not show any anomalous result, so we better skip communication
## of something every worker agree on splontaneously
#for other in O.subD.intersections[rank]:
#if other==0: continue
#reqs.append([other,comm.irecv(None, other, tag=_MIRROR_INTERSECTIONS_)])
#for r in reqs:
#if ints[r[0]]!=O.subD.mirrorIntersections[r[0]]:
#mprint("inconsistency in the filtering of intersections[",r[0],"]:",len(ints[r[0]]),"received vs.",len(O.subD.mirrorIntersections[r[0]]))
#O.subD.mirrorIntersections = ints #that's because python wrapping only enable assignment
return res, oriLen
def checkAndCollide():
return true if collision detection needs activation in at least one SD, else false. If COPY_MIRROR_BODIES_WHEN_COLLIDE run collider when needed, and in that case return False.
needsCollide = int(typedEngine("InsertionSortCollider").isActivated())
if (needsCollide != 0):
wprint("triggers collider at iter " + str(O.iter))
needsCollide = timing_comm.allreduce("checkcollider", needsCollide, op=MPI.SUM)
if needsCollide:
if hasattr(
O.subD, "fullIntersections"
) and O.subD.fullIntersections != None: # if we have tricked intersections in previous steps we set them backto full content in order to update all positions before colliding
O.subD.intersections = O.subD.fullIntersections
O.subD.mirrorIntersections = O.subD.fullMirrorIntersections
O.subD.fullMirrorIntersections = O.subD.fullIntersections = None #clear, so we know we can re-use
#else: mprint("fullIntersections not initialized (first iteration or rank=0)")
sendRecvStates() # triggers comm
# parallel collision detection (incl. insertion of newly intersecting bodies)
# reallocate and/or minimize intersections
#comm.barrier() #we will modify intersections while they can still be accessed by calls to mpi in parallelCollide()
mprint("don't use REALLOCATE_MINIMAL. It seems broken for the moment")
r = shrinkIntersections() #if we filter before reallocation we minimize the reallocations
#mprint("filtered out (1)",r[0],"of",r[1])
reallocateBodiesToSubdomains(REALLOCATE_FILTER, blocking=True)
if (MINIMAL_INTERSECTIONS): #filter here, even if already done before, since realloc updated intersections
#if rank>0:
r = shrinkIntersections()
recordMpiTiming("filteredInts", r[0])
recordMpiTiming("totInts", r[1])
recordMpiTiming("interactionsInts", len(O.interactions))
recordMpiTiming("iterInts", O.iter)
#mprint("filtered out (2)",r[0],"of",r[1])
return False
return True
return False
def unboundRemoteBodies():
Turn bounding boxes on/off depending on rank
for b in O.bodies: # unbound the bodies assigned to workers (not interacting directly with other bodies in master scene)
if not b.isSubdomain and b.subdomain != rank:
b.bounded = False
def reboundRemoteBodies(ids):
update states of bodies handled by other workers, argument 'states' is a list of [id,state] (or [id,state,shape] conditionnaly)
if isinstance(ids, list):
for id in ids:
b = O.bodies[id]
if b and not isinstance(b.shape, GridNode):
b.bounded = True
else: #when passing numpy array we need to convert 'np.int32' to 'int'
for id in ids:
b = O.bodies[id.item()]
if b and not isinstance(b.shape, GridNode):
b.bounded = True
def updateDomainBounds(subdomains): #subdomains is the list of subdomains by body ids
Update bounds of current subdomain, broadcast, and receive updated bounds from other subdomains
Precondition: collider.boundDispatcher.__call__()
wprint("Updating bounds: " + str(subdomains))
if (rank == 0):
send_buff = np.zeros(6) * np.nan
subD = O.bodies[subdomains[rank - 1]].shape #shorthand to shape of current subdomain
send_buff = np.append(subD.boundsMin, subD.boundsMax)
recv_buff = np.empty(6 * numThreads)
timing_comm.Allgather("updateDomainBounds", send_buff, recv_buff)
for r in range(1, numThreads):
O.bodies[subdomains[r - 1]].shape.boundsMin = recv_buff[6 * r:6 * r + 3]
O.bodies[subdomains[r - 1]].shape.boundsMax = recv_buff[3 + 6 * r:6 + 6 * r]
#if(VERBOSE_OUTPUT):#condition here to avoid concatenation overhead
#mprint("Updated ", O.bodies[subdomains[r-1]].subdomain, " with min=", O.bodies[subdomains[r-1]].shape.boundsMin," and max=", O.bodies[subdomains[r-1]].shape.boundsMax)
def maskedPFacet(pf, boolArray):
List bodies within a facet selectively, the ones marked 'True' in boolArray (i.e. already selected from another facet) are discarded
l = []
for id in [pf.node1.id, pf.node2.id, pf.node3.id, pf.conn1.id, pf.conn2.id, pf.conn3.id]:
if not boolArray[id]:
boolArray[id] = True
def maskedPFacet(b, boolArray):
List bodies within a facet selectively, the ones marked 'True' in boolArray (i.e. already selected from another facet) are discarded
l = []
pf = b.shape
for id in [b.id, pf.node1.id, pf.node2.id, pf.node3.id, pf.conn1.id, pf.conn2.id, pf.conn3.id]:
if not boolArray[id]:
boolArray[id] = True
return l
def maskedConnection(b, boolArray):
List bodies within a facet selectively, the ones marked 'True' in boolArray (i.e. already selected from another facet) are discarded
l = []
pf = b.shape
for id in [b.id, pf.node1.id, pf.node2.id]:
if not boolArray[id]:
boolArray[id] = True
return l
def genLocalIntersections(subdomains):
Defines sets of bodies within current domain overlapping with other domains.
The structure of the data for domain 'k' is:
[[id1, id2, ...], <----------- intersections[0] = ids of bodies in domain k interacting with master domain (subdomain k itself excluded)
[id3, id4, ...], <----------- intersections[1] = ids of bodies in domain k interacting with domain rank=1 (subdomain k itself excluded)
[domain1, domain2, domain3, ...], <---------- intersections[k] = ranks (not ids!) of external domains interacting with domain k
intersections = [[] for n in range(numThreads)]
for sdId in subdomains:
#grid nodes or grid connections could be appended twice or more, as they can participate in multiple pfacets and connexions
#this bool list is used to append only once
subdIdx = O.bodies[sdId].subdomain
intrs = O.interactions.withBodyAll(sdId)
appended = np.repeat([False], len(O.bodies))
#special case when we get interactions with current domain, only used to define interactions with master, otherwise some intersections would appear twice
if subdIdx == rank:
if not ENABLE_PFACETS: # no PFacets, same block duplicated below for the opposite case - only way to move ENABLE_PFACETS condition out of the loop
for i in intrs:
otherId = i.id1 if i.id2 == sdId else i.id2
b = O.bodies[otherId]
if not b:
continue #in case the body was deleted
if b.subdomain == 0:
for i in intrs:
otherId = i.id1 if i.id2 == sdId else i.id2
b = O.bodies[otherId]
if not b:
continue #in case the body was deleted
if b.subdomain == 0:
if isinstance(b.shape, PFacet):
intersections[0] += maskedPFacet(b, appended)
if isinstance(b.shape, GridConnection):
intersections[0] += maskedConnection(b, appended)
#else (standalone body, normal case)
if len(intersections[0]) > 0:
# normal case
if not ENABLE_PFACETS: # same as above
for i in intrs:
otherId = i.id1 if i.id2 == sdId else i.id2
b = O.bodies[otherId]
if not b:
continue #in case the body was deleted
if b.subdomain != rank:
if b.isSubdomain:
intersections[rank].append(subdIdx) #intersecting subdomain (will need to receive updated positions from there)
for i in intrs:
otherId = i.id1 if i.id2 == sdId else i.id2
b = O.bodies[otherId]
if not b:
continue #in case the body was deleted
if b.subdomain != rank:
if b.isSubdomain:
intersections[rank].append(subdIdx) #intersecting subdomain (will need to receive updated positions from there)
if isinstance(b.shape, PFacet):
intersections[subdIdx] += maskedPFacet(b, appended)
if isinstance(b.shape, GridConnection):
intersections[subdIdx] += maskedConnection(b, appended)
#else (standalone body, normal case)
#for master domain set list of interacting subdomains (could be handled above but for the sake of clarity complex if-else-if are avoided for now)
if rank == 0 and len(intersections[subdIdx]) > 0:
#wprint( "found "+str(len(intrs))+" intersections"+str(intersections))
return intersections
def updateRemoteStates(states, setBounded=False):
update states of bodies handled by other workers, argument 'states' is a list of [id,state] (or [id,state,shape] conditionnaly)
ids = []
for bst in states:
#print bst[0],O.bodies[bst[0]]
b = O.bodies[bst[0]]
b.state = bst[1]
#if SEND_SHAPES: b.shape=bst[2]
if setBounded and not isinstance(b.shape, GridNode):
b.bounded = True
return ids
def genUpdatedStates(b_ids):
return list of [id,state] (or [id,state,shape] conditionnaly) to be sent to other workers
return [[id, O.bodies[id].state] for id in b_ids] if not SEND_SHAPES else [[id, O.bodies[id].state, O.bodies[id].shape] for id in b_ids]
############# COMMUNICATIONS ################"
statesCommTime = 0
def sendRecvStates():
global statesCommTime
if rank == 0 and not MASTER_UPDATE_STATES:
return # master has just nothing to do if workers don't need updated pos/vel
start = time.time()
#____1. get ready to receive positions from other subdomains
pstates = []
buf = [] #heuristic guess, assuming number of intersecting is ~linear in the number of rows, needs
if rank != 0: #the master process never receive updated states (except when gathering)
for otherDomain in O.subD.intersections[rank]:
if len(O.subD.mirrorIntersections[otherDomain]) == 0:
continue #can happen if MINIMAL_INTERSECTIONS
if otherDomain == 0 and not MASTER_UPDATE_STATES:
continue # skip, we don't need news from master
if not USE_CPP_MPI:
bytearray(1 << 22)
) #FIXME: smarter size? this is for a few thousands states max (empirical); bytearray(1<<24) = 128 MB
comm.irecv(buf[-1], otherDomain, tag=_ID_STATE_SHAPE_)
) #warning leaving buffer size undefined crash for large subdomains (MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE: message truncated)
O.subD.mpiIrecvStates(otherDomain) #use yade's messages (coded in cpp)
#____2. broadcast new positions (should be non-blocking if n>2, else lock) - this includes subdomain bodies intersecting the current one
reqs = []
for k in O.subD.intersections[rank]:
if k == rank or k == 0:
continue #don't broadcast to itself... OTOH this list intersections[rank] will be used to receive
if len(O.subD.intersections[k]) == 0:
continue #can happen if MINIMAL_INTERSECTIONS
#if len(b_ids)>0:#skip empty intersections, it means even the bounding boxes of the corresponding subdomains do not overlap
wprint("sending " + str(len(O.subD.intersections[k])) + " states to " + str(k))
"sendRecvStates", genUpdatedStates(O.subD.intersections[k]), dest=k, tag=_ID_STATE_SHAPE_
) #should be non-blocking if n>2, else lock?
if not USE_CPP_MPI:
reqs.append(comm.isend(O.subD.getStateValues(k), dest=k, tag=_ID_STATE_SHAPE_)) #should be non-blocking if n>2, else lock?
timing_comm.mpiSendStates("mpiSendStates", k)
for r in reqs:
r.wait() #empty if USE_CPP_MPI
#____3. receive positions and update bodies
if rank == 0:
return #positions sent from master, done. Will receive forces instead of states
if not USE_CPP_MPI:
nn = 0
for ss in pstates:
states = ss.wait()
O.subD.setStateValuesFromIds(O.subD.mirrorIntersections[O.subD.intersections[rank][nn]], states)
nn += 1
for otherDomain in O.subD.intersections[rank]:
if len(O.subD.mirrorIntersections[otherDomain]) == 0:
continue #can happen if MINIMAL_INTERSECTIONS
if otherDomain == 0 and not MASTER_UPDATE_STATES:
timing_comm.mpiWaitReceived("mpiWaitReceived(States)", otherDomain)
statesCommTime += (time.time() - start)
def isendRecvForces():
Communicate forces from subdomain to master
Warning: the sending sides (everyone but master) must wait() the returned list of requests
O.freqs = [] #keep that one defined even if empty, it is accessed in other functions
if rank != 0:
if not 0 in O.subD.intersections[rank]:
forces0 = []
for id in O.subD.mirrorIntersections[0]:
if not isinstance(O.bodies[id].shape, FluidDomainBbox):
forces0.append([id, O.forces.f(id), O.forces.t(id)])
forces0 = [[id, O.forces.f(id), O.forces.t(id)] for id in O.subD.mirrorIntersections[0]]
#wprint ("worker "+str(rank)+": sending "+str(len(forces0))+" "+str("forces to 0 "))
#O.freqs.append(comm.isend(forces0, dest=0, tag=_FORCES_))
timing_comm.send("isendRecvForces", forces0, dest=0, tag=_FORCES_)
else: #master
def waitForces():
wait until all forces are sent to master.
O.freqs is empty for master, and for all threads if not ACCUMULATE_FORCES
for r in O.freqs:
##### INITIALIZE MPI #########
# Flag used after import of this module, turned True after scene is distributed
O.splitted = False
O.splittedOnce = False #after the first split we have additional bodies (Subdomains) and engines in the merged scene, use this flag to know
def mergeScene():
if (rank == 0 and waitingCommands):
sendCommand("slaves", "mergeScene()", False)
if O.splitted:
sendRecvStatesRunner.dead = isendRecvForcesRunner.dead = waitForcesRunner.dead = collisionChecker.dead = True
O.splitted = False
#collider.doSort = True
if rank > 0:
# Workers
send_buff = np.asarray(O.subD.getStateBoundsValuesFromIds([b.id for b in O.bodies if b.subdomain == rank]))
size = np.array(len(send_buff), dtype=int)
send_buff = np.array([0])
size = np.array(0, dtype=int)
sizes = np.empty(numThreads, dtype=int)
# Master get sizes from all workers
timing_comm.Gather("mergeScene_sizes", size, sizes, root=0)
if (rank == 0):
# Alloc sizes for workers
dat = np.ones(sizes.sum(), dtype=np.float64)
# Displacement indexes where data should be stored/received in targeted array
# dspl should be visible by everyone
dspl = np.empty(numThreads, dtype=int)
dspl[0] = 0
for i in range(1, len(sizes)):
dspl[i] = dspl[i - 1] + sizes[i - 1]
dspl = None
dat = None
# data sent = [data, size of data] (for each worker)
# data recv = [allocated target_array, array of different sizes, displacement, data type]
timing_comm.Gatherv("mergeScene_data", [send_buff, size], [dat, sizes, dspl, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
if (rank == 0): #master
for worker_id in range(1, numThreads):
# generate corresponding ids (order is the same for both master and worker)
#ids = [b.id for b in O.bodies if b.subdomain==worker_id]
ids = O.bodies[O.subD.subdomains[worker_id -
1]].shape.ids + [O.subD.subdomains[worker_id - 1]] #faster than looping on all bodies
#if (O.bodies[O.subD.subdomains[worker_id-1]].shape.ids+[O.subD.subdomains[worker_id-1]] != ids):
#print("______________INCONSISTENCY!______________",ids," vs. ",O.bodies[O.subD.subdomains[worker_id-1]].shape.ids+[O.subD.subdomains[worker_id-1]])
shift = dspl[worker_id]
if (worker_id != numThreads - 1):
shift_plus_one = dspl[worker_id + 1]
shift_plus_one = len(dat)
O.subD.setStateBoundsValuesFromIds(ids, dat[shift:shift_plus_one])
# turn mpi engines off
sendRecvStatesRunner.dead = isendRecvForcesRunner.dead = waitForcesRunner.dead = collisionChecker.dead = True
O.splitted = False
#collider.doSort = True
if rank == 0:
O.engines = O.initialEngines
def splitScene():
Split a monolithic scene into distributed scenes on threads.
Precondition: the bodies have subdomain no. set in user script
mprint("COPY_MIRROR_BODIES_WHEN_COLLIDE=False is not supported")
#if not ERASE_REMOTE: mprint("ERASE_REMOTE=False is not supported")
if not O.splittedOnce:
O.initialEngines = O.engines
if DOMAIN_DECOMPOSITION: #if not already partitionned by the user we partition here
if rank == 0:
import yade.bisectionDecomposition as dd
decomposition = dd.decompBodiesSerial(comm)
maxid = len(O.bodies) - 1
if DISTRIBUTED_INSERT: #find max id before inserting subdomains
maxid = timing_comm.allreduce("splitScene", maxid, op=MPI.MAX)
wprint("Splitting with maxId=", maxid)
if rank == 0 or DISTRIBUTED_INSERT:
subdomains = [] #list subdomains by body ids
#insert "meta"-bodies
for k in range(1, numThreads):
domainBody = Body(
shape=Subdomain(ids=[b.id for b in O.bodies if b.subdomain == k]), subdomain=k
) #note: not clear yet how shape.subDomainIndex and body.subdomain should interact, currently equal values
domainBody.isSubdomain = True
if rank == k:
O._sceneObj.subD = domainBody.shape
subdomains.append(O.bodies.insertAtId(domainBody, maxid + k))
if rank == 0:
O._sceneObj.subD = Subdomain() # make sure it's initialized here
O.subD = O._sceneObj.subD
O.subD.subdomains = subdomains
subD = O.subD #alias
subD.comm = comm #make sure the c++ uses the merged intracommunicator
masterBodies = [b.id for b in O.bodies if b.subdomain == 0] #for VTKRecorderParallel, easier to loop through the owned bodies.
#tell the collider how to handle this new thing
collider = typedEngine("InsertionSortCollider")
collider.boundDispatcher.functors = collider.boundDispatcher.functors + [Bo1_FluidDomainBbox_Aabb()]
collider.boundDispatcher.functors = collider.boundDispatcher.functors + [Bo1_Subdomain_Aabb()]
collider.targetInterv = 0
collider.keepListsShort = True # probably not needed, O.bodies.insertAtId should turn it on automaticaly
O.bodies.useRedirection = True # idem
O.bodies.allowRedirection = False
#BEGIN Garbage (should go to some init(), usually done in collider.__call__() but in the mpi case we want to collider.boundDispatcher.__call__() before collider.__call__()
collider.boundDispatcher.sweepDist = collider.verletDist
collider.boundDispatcher.minSweepDistFactor = collider.minSweepDistFactor
collider.boundDispatcher.targetInterv = collider.targetInterv
collider.boundDispatcher.updatingDispFactor = collider.updatingDispFactor
#END Garbage
if not DISTRIBUTED_INSERT: #we send scene from master to all workers
sceneAsString = O.sceneToString() if rank == 0 else None
sceneAsString = timing_comm.bcast("splitScene", sceneAsString, root=0)
if rank > 0:
O.stringToScene(sceneAsString) #receive a scene pre-processed by master (i.e. with appropriate body.subdomain's)
# as long as subD.subdomains isn't serialized we need to rebuild it here since it's lost
domainBody = None
subdomains = [] #list of subdomains by body id
for b in O.bodies:
if b.isSubdomain:
if b.subdomain == rank:
domainBody = b
if domainBody == None:
O._sceneObj.subD = domainBody.shape
O.subD = O._sceneObj.subD
O.subD.subdomains = subdomains
subD = O.subD
fluidCoupling = typedEngine("FoamCoupling")
fluidCoupling.comm = comm
fluidCoupling.couplingModeParallel = True
O._sceneObj.subdomain = rank
O.subD.comm = comm #make sure the c++ uses the merged intracommunicator
wprint("to parallel collide")
wprint("end parallel collide")
# insert states communicator after newton
idx = O.engines.index(typedEngine("NewtonIntegrator"))
O.engines = O.engines[:idx + 1] + [
PyRunner(iterPeriod=1, initRun=True, command="sys.modules['yade.mpy'].sendRecvStates(); ", label="sendRecvStatesRunner")
] + O.engines[idx + 1:]
# insert force communicator before Newton
O.engines = O.engines[:idx] + [
PyRunner(iterPeriod=1, initRun=True, command="sys.modules['yade.mpy'].isendRecvForces()", label="isendRecvForcesRunner")
] + O.engines[idx:]
# append engine waiting until forces are effectively sent to master
O.engines = O.engines + [PyRunner(iterPeriod=1, initRun=True, command="pass", label="waitForcesRunner")]
O.engines = O.engines + [
PyRunner(iterPeriod=1, initRun=True, command="if sys.modules['yade.mpy'].checkAndCollide(): O.pause();", label="collisionChecker")
O.splittedOnce = True
O.splittedEngines = O.engines
if rank == 0:
import yade.bisectionDecomposition as dd
decomposition = dd.decompBodiesSerial(comm)
if rank == 0:
O.engines = O.splittedEngines
sendRecvStatesRunner.dead = isendRecvForcesRunner.dead = waitForcesRunner.dead = collisionChecker.dead = False
O.splitted = True
def updateMirrorOwners():
mirrorInts = O.subD.mirrorIntersections
for kk in range(len(mirrorInts)):
for id in mirrorInts[kk]:
if not O.bodies[id]:
elif O.bodies[id].subdomain != kk:
O.bodies[id].subdomain = kk
def updateAllIntersections():
subD = O.subD
subD.intersections = genLocalIntersections(subD.subdomains)
if USE_CPP_INTERS: #to be used in case of possible issue with older mpi4py versions, this is slightly faster.
#update mirror intersections so we know message sizes in advance
subD.mirrorIntersections = [[] for n in range(numThreads)]
if rank == 0: #master domain
for worker in range(
1, numThreads
): #FIXME: we actually don't need so much data since at this stage the states are unchanged and the list is used to re-bound intersecting bodies, this is only done in the initialization phase, though
#wprint("sending mirror intersections to "+str(worker)+" ("+str(len(subD.intersections[worker]))+" bodies), "+str(subD.intersections[worker]))
m = O.intrsctToBytes(subD, worker, False) if SEND_BYTEARRAYS else subD.intersections[worker]
timing_comm.send("sendIntersections", m, dest=worker, tag=_MIRROR_INTERSECTIONS_)
# from master
b_ids = comm.recv(source=0, tag=_MIRROR_INTERSECTIONS_)
wprint("Received mirrors from master: ", len(b_ids))
#FIXME: we are assuming that Body::id_t is 4 bytes here, not that portable...
numInts0 = int(len(b_ids) / 4) if SEND_BYTEARRAYS else len(b_ids) #ints = 4 bytes
if numInts0 > 0:
O.bufferFromIntrsct(subD, 0, numInts0, True)[:] = b_ids
b_ids = np.frombuffer(b_ids, dtype=np.int32)
subD.mirrorIntersections = [b_ids] + subD.mirrorIntersections[1:]
# since interaction with 0-bodies couldn't be detected before, mirror intersections from master will
# tell if we need to wait messages from master (and this is declared via intersections)
if not 0 in subD.intersections[rank]:
temp = subD.intersections[rank]
temp += [0]
subD.intersections = subD.intersections[:rank] + [temp] + subD.intersections[rank + 1:]
if not O.splittedOnce:
mprint("0 already in intersections (should not happen)")
reqs = []
for worker in subD.intersections[rank]:
if worker == 0:
continue #we do not send positions to master, only forces
#wprint("sending "+str(len(subD.intersections[worker]))+" states to "+str(worker))
m = O.intrsctToBytes(subD, worker, False) if SEND_BYTEARRAYS else subD.intersections[worker]
reqs.append(comm.isend(m, dest=worker, tag=_MIRROR_INTERSECTIONS_))
for worker in subD.intersections[rank]:
if worker == 0:
intrs = timing_comm.recv("recvAllIntersections", source=worker, tag=_MIRROR_INTERSECTIONS_)
#wprint("Received mirrors from: ", worker, " : ",int(len(intrs)/4))
O.bufferFromIntrsct(subD, worker, int(len(intrs) / 4), True)[:] = intrs
intrs = np.frombuffer(intrs, dtype=np.int32)
subD.mirrorIntersections = subD.mirrorIntersections[0:worker] + [intrs] + subD.mirrorIntersections[worker + 1:]
for req in reqs:
bodiesToImport = []
def parallelCollide():
global bodiesToImport
subD = O.subD
start = time.time()
if (not O.splitted):
updateDomainBounds(subD.subdomains) #triggers communications
collider.__call__() #see [1]
) #in splitted stage we exploit bounds to detect bodies which are no longer part of intersections (they will be left with no bounds after what follows)
updateAllIntersections() #triggers communications
if rank != 0:
for l in subD.mirrorIntersections:
if len(l) > 0:
eraseRemote() # erase the bodies which still have no bounds
" NOTE: FK, what to do here:
" 1- all threads loop on reqs, i.e the intersecting subdomains of the current subdomain.
" 2- during this loop, check whether the current subdomain needs bodies from the intersecting ones
" 3- in all cases, isend the ids needed, (if no ids needed send empty array)
" 3.1- build a ranks list "requestedSomethingFrom" to loop later on to receive data
" 4- loop again on reqs to get the ids needed by other subdomains (with blocking recv as we used isend)
" 5- if the data recved is empty (nothing requested), do nothing. Else isend the bodies (c++)
" 6- loop on "requestedSomethingFrom" ranks and recv the bodies (blocking, c++, using MPI_Probe to know the message size)
" 7- comm.barrier(), just in case
requestedSomethingFrom = []
bodiesToImport = [[] for worker in range(numThreads)]
sent = []
if rank > 0: #master doesn't need bodies
for worker in subD.intersections[rank]:
for mirrorBodyId in subD.mirrorIntersections[worker]:
if O.bodies[mirrorBodyId] == None:
bodiesToImport[worker] += [mirrorBodyId]
if (len(bodiesToImport[worker]) > 0):
wprint("I request ids: ", len(bodiesToImport[worker]), " from ", worker)
sent.append(comm.isend(bodiesToImport[worker], worker, tag=_MIRROR_INTERSECTIONS_))
wprint("will wait requests from ", subD.intersections[rank])
for worker in subD.intersections[rank]:
if worker != 0:
wprint("waiting requests from ", worker)
requestedIds = timing_comm.recv("parallelCollide", source=worker, tag=_MIRROR_INTERSECTIONS_)
wprint("requested: ", len(requestedIds), "from ", worker)
if (len(requestedIds) > 0):
wprint("will now send ", len(requestedIds), " to ", worker)
subD.sendBodies(worker, requestedIds)
for worker in requestedSomethingFrom:
for s in sent:
if not collider.keepListsShort:
collider.doSort = True
collider.execTime += int((time.time() - start) * 1e9)
collider.execCount += 1
collisionChecker.execTime -= int((time.time() - start) * 1e9)
#maxVelocitySq is normally reset in NewtonIntegrator in the same iteration as bound dispatching, since Newton will not run before next iter in our case we force that value to avoid another collision detection at next step
typedEngine("NewtonIntegrator").maxVelocitySq = 0.5
def eraseRemote():
if rank > 0 or ERASE_REMOTE_MASTER: # suppress external bodies from scene
#numBodies = len(O.bodies)
#for id in range(numBodies):
#mprint("will erase ",[b.id for b in O.bodies if (not b.bounded and b.subdomain!=rank)])
for b in O.bodies:
if not b.bounded and b.subdomain != rank:
connected = False #a gridNode could be needed as part of interacting facet/connection even if not overlaping a specific subdomain. Assume connections are always bounded for now, we thus only check nodes.
if isinstance(b.shape, GridNode):
for f in b.shape.getPFacets():
if f.bounded:
connected = True
for c in b.shape.getConnections():
if c.bounded:
connected = True
if not connected:
##### RUN MPI #########
def mpirun(nSteps, np=None, withMerge=False):
Parallel version of O.run() using MPI domain decomposition.
nSteps : The numer of steps to compute
np : number of mpi workers (master+subdomains), if=1 the function fallback to O.run()
withMerge : wether subdomains should be merged into master at the end of the run (default False). If True the scene in the master process is exactly in the same state as after O.run(nSteps,True). The merge can be time consumming, it is recommended to activate only if post-processing or other similar tasks require it.
if comm == None:
if np == None:
np = numThreads
if (np == 1):
mprint("single-core, fall back to O.run()")
O.run(nSteps, True)
if (np != numThreads):
if numThreads > 1:
"warning: it is unsafe to change numThreads in consecutive executions of mpy.initialize/mpirun. In general it needs explicit disconnect() and rebuilding a scene in between."
initialize(np) #this will set numThreads
if (rank == 0 and waitingCommands):
for w in range(1, numThreads):
comm.send("yade.mpy.mpirun(nSteps=" + str(nSteps) + ",withMerge=" + str(withMerge) + ")", dest=w, tag=_MASTER_COMMAND_)
wprint("mpirun command sent to ", w)
fluidCoupling = typedEngine("FoamCoupling")
fluidCoupling.comm = comm
) #triggers the communication between yade procs and Yales2/openfoam procs, get's fluid domain bounding boxes from all fluid procs.
# split if needed
initStep = O.iter
if not O.splitted:
O.timingEnabled = YADE_TIMING #turn it ON/OFF
# run iterations
if not (MERGE_SPLIT):
O.run(nSteps, True)
if withMerge:
mergeScene() #will be useful to see evolution in QGLViewer, for instance
else: #merge/split or body_copy for each collider update
collisionChecker.dead = True
while (O.iter - initStep) < nSteps:
if checkAndCollide():
# report performance
if YADE_TIMING and (rank <= MAX_RANK_OUTPUT or rank >= (numThreads - MAX_RANK_OUTPUT)):
from yade import timing
time.sleep((numThreads - rank) * 0.002) #avoid mixing the final output, timing.stats() is independent of the sleep
mprint("##### Worker " + str(rank) + " ######")
timing.stats() #specific numbers for -n4 and gabion.py
####### Bodies re-allocation ########
def bodyErase(ids):
The parallel version of O.bodies.erase(id), should be called collectively else the distributed scenes become inconsistent with each other (even the subdomains which don't have 'id' can call safely). For performance, better call on a list: bodyErase([i,j,k]).
if not isinstance(ids, list):
ids = [ids]
erased = 0
if not numThreads or numThreads <= 1: # non-parallel case, fall back but handle lists
for i in ids:
erased += O.bodies.erase(i)
return erased
if (rank == 0 and waitingCommands): # make it collective
erased = sendCommand("slaves", "bodyErase(" + str(ids) + ")", True)
if hasattr(O.subD, "fullIntersections") and O.subD.fullIntersections != None: #un-shrink
O.subD.intersections = O.subD.fullIntersections
O.subD.mirrorIntersections = O.subD.fullMirrorIntersections
O.subD.fullMirrorIntersections = O.subD.fullIntersections = None
intersections_ = O.subD.intersections
mirrorIntersections_ = O.subD.mirrorIntersections
ori = len(O.subD.ids)
localIds = O.subD.ids
for id in ids:
if O.bodies[id] == None:
#mprint("not erasing None");
b = O.bodies[id]
owner = b.subdomain
if rank == owner:
if not id in localIds:
mprint("a nasty bug somewhere")
removedFrom = []
for ii in O.interactions.withBodyAll(id):
otherID = ii.id1 if ii.id2 == id else ii.id2
otherSD = O.bodies[otherID].subdomain
if otherSD != rank and not otherSD in removedFrom:
#mprint("removing",id," from intersections with",O.bodies[otherID].subdomain)
if id in intersections_[otherSD]:
if id in mirrorIntersections_[owner]:
#if hasattr(O.subD,"fullMirrorIntersections") and id in O.subD.fullMirrorIntersections[owner]:
# FIXME: same as above in the symmetric case
#if len(O.subD.intersections[O.bodies[otherID].subdomain])==0: # if it was last interacting body then the two subdomains don't interact any more
erased += O.bodies.erase(id)
# write result back into the subdomain
# other subdomain's ids are locally deprecated (should be safe since they are not used)
O.subD.ids = localIds
O.subD.intersections = intersections_
O.subD.mirrorIntersections = mirrorIntersections_
return erased
def runOnSynchronouslPairs(workers, command):
Locally (from one worker POV), this function runs interactive mpi tasks defined by 'command' on a list of other workers (typically the list of interacting subdomains).
Overall, peer-to-peer connexions are established so so that 'command' is executed symmetrically and simultaneously on both sides of each worker pair. I.e. if worker "i" executes "command" with argument "j" (index of another worker), then by design "j" will execute the same thing with argument "i" *simultaneously*.
In many cases a similar series of data exchanges can be obtained more simply (and fastly) with asynchronous irecv+send like below.
for w in workers:
The above only works if the messages are all known in advance locally, before any communication. If the interaction with workers[1] depends on the result of a previous interaction with workers[0] OTOH, it needs synchronous execution, hence this function. Synchronicity is also required if more than one blocking call is present in 'command', else an obvious deadlock as if 'irecv' was replaced by 'recv' in that naive loop.
Both cases occur with the 'medianFilter' algorithm, hence why we need this synchronous method.
In this function pair connexions are established by the workers in a non-supervized and non-deterministic manner. Each time an interactive communication (i,j) is established 'command' is executed simultaneously by i and j. It is guaranted that all possible pairs are visited.
The function can be used for all-to-all operations (N^2 pairs), but more interestingly it works with workers=intersections[rank] (O(N) pairs). It can be tested with the dummy funtion 'pairOp': runOnSynchronouslPairs(range(numThreads),pairOp)
a function taking index of another worker as argument, can include blocking communications with the other worker since runOnSynchronouslPairs guarantee that the other worker will be running the command symmetrically.
global t1
t1 = time.time()
workersTemp = list(workers) #we will remove elements from this copy as we proceed
if rank in workersTemp:
workersTemp.remove(rank) #don't talk to yourself
#skip master (master is useless typically if we are reallocating bodies, we skip it here although the function would work with master to)
if True:
if 0 in workersTemp:
workersTemp.remove(0) #don't talk to master
if rank == 0:
return #don't talk if you are master
# now call the workers one by one until one of them reacts
s = MPI.Status()
sentTo = -1 #last worker to which connexion request was sent
while len(workersTemp) > 0:
other = workersTemp[-1]
connected = False
if rank > other and other != sentTo:
rs = comm.issend(None, dest=other, tag=_GET_CONNEXION_)
sentTo = other
while not (connected):
if comm.Iprobe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=s, tag=_GET_CONNEXION_):
data = timing_comm.recv("runOnSynchronouslPairs", None, s.source, tag=_GET_CONNEXION_)
talkTo = s.source
connected = True
elif rank > other:
if rs.test()[0]:
talkTo = other
connected = True
#mprint("TOTAL TIME(",rank,"):",time.time()-t1)
# a dummy test function for runOnSynchronouslPairs(range(numThreads,pairOp)
def pairOp(talkTo):
global t1
# send/recv data
message = "haha"
comm.isend(message, talkTo, tag=_PAIR_OP_)
feedback = timming_comm.recv("pair_op", None, talkTo, tag=_PAIR_OP_)
# crunch feedback and numbers...
# send/recv result
comm.isend(message, talkTo, tag=_PAIR_OP_)
feedback = timing_comm.recv("pair_op", None, talkTo, tag=_PAIR_OP_)
print("(", rank, talkTo, ") done in", time.time() - t1, "s")
def migrateBodies(ids, origin, destination):
Reassign bodies from origin to destination. The function has to be called by both origin (send) and destination (recv).
Note: subD.completeSendBodies() will have to be called after a series of reassignement since subD.sendBodies() is non-blocking
ts = time.time()
if rank == origin:
O.subD.migrateBodiesSend(ids, destination)
thisSubD = O.subD.subdomains[rank - 1]
for id in ids:
if not O.bodies[id]:
mprint("reassignBodies failed,", id, " is not in subdomain ", rank)
O.bodies[id].subdomain = destination
thisSubD, id, virtualI=True
) # link translated body to subdomain, since there is initially no interaction with local bodies
#for k in O.subD.intersections[rank]:
#if k==0: continue
#if id in O.subD.intersections[k]:
#O.subD.intersections[k].remove(id) # so we don't send the same body to multiple domains...
O.subD.sendBodies(destination, ids)
elif rank == destination:
te = time.time()
#mprint("time in migrateBodies--> ", te-ts, " rank = ", rank)
def projectedBounds(i, j):
Returns sorted list of projections of bounds on a given axis, with bounds taken in i->j and j->i intersections
useAABB = False #using center of subdomain AABB is a bit unstable since the movement of on single body can change it greatly
if (useAABB):
pt1 = 0.5 * (O.bodies[O.subD.subdomains[i - 1]].bound.min + O.bodies[O.subD.subdomains[i - 1]].bound.max)
pt2 = 0.5 * (O.bodies[O.subD.subdomains[j - 1]].bound.min + O.bodies[O.subD.subdomains[j - 1]].bound.max)
else: #use center of mass
pt1 = O.subD._centers_of_mass[i]
pt2 = O.subD._centers_of_mass[j]
axis = pt2 - pt1
pos = [[O.subD.boundOnAxis(O.bodies[k].bound, axis, True), i, k] for k in O.subD.intersections[j]
] + [[O.subD.boundOnAxis(O.bodies[k].bound, axis, False), j, k] for k in O.subD.mirrorIntersections[j]]
pos.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
return pos
REALLOCATE_FILTER = medianFilter #that's currently default and only option
def reallocateBodiesToSubdomains(_filter=REALLOCATE_FILTER, blocking=True):
Re-assign bodies to subdomains based on '_filter' argument.
Requirement: '_filter' is a function taking ranks of origin and destination and returning the list of bodies (by index) to be moved. That's where the decomposition strategy is defined. See example medianFilter (used by default).
This function must be called in parallel, hence if ran interactively the command needs to be sent explicitely:
O.subD._centers_of_mass = [Vector3(0, 0, 0) for k in range(numThreads)]
O.subD._centers_of_mass[rank] = O.subD.centerOfMass()
if blocking: # the filter will be applied sequentially to each other domain. It can include blocking communications in subdomain pairs
_functor = lambda x: reallocateBodiesPairWiseBlocking(_filter, x)
runOnSynchronouslPairs(O.subD.intersections[rank], _functor)
else: # non-blocking method, migrated bodies are decided unilateraly by each subdomain
# doesn't work with medianFilter
if rank > 0:
for worker in O.subD.intersections[rank]:
if worker == 0:
candidates = _filter(rank, worker)
wprint("sending to ", worker, ": ", len(candidates))
migrateBodies(candidates, rank, worker) #send
migrateBodies(None, worker, rank) #recv
ts = time.time()
if rank == 0:
O.subD.ids = [b.id for b in O.bodies if (b.subdomain == rank and not b.isSubdomain)] #update local ids
# update remote ids in master
if rank > 0:
req = comm.isend(O.subD.ids, dest=0, tag=_ASSIGNED_IDS_)
else: #master will update subdomains for correct display (besides, keeping 'ids' updated for remote subdomains may not be a strict requirement)
for k in range(1, numThreads):
ids = comm.recv(source=k, tag=_ASSIGNED_IDS_)
O.bodies[O.subD.subdomains[k - 1]].shape.ids = ids
for i in ids:
O.bodies[i].subdomain = k
# update intersections and mirror
#mprint("updating all intersections")
updateAllIntersections() #triggers communication
def reallocateBodiesPairWiseBlocking(_filter, otherDomain):
Re-assign bodies from/to otherDomain based on '_filter' argument.
Requirement: '_filter' is a function taking ranks of origin and destination and returning the list of bodies (by index) to be moved. That's where the decomposition strategy is defined. See example medianFilter (used by default).
#if rank==0: return
ts = time.time()
if True: #clean intersections, remove bodies already moved to other domain
ints = [
ii for ii in O.subD.intersections[otherDomain] if O.bodies[ii].subdomain == rank
] #make sure we don't send ids of already moved bodies
O.subD.intersections = O.subD.intersections[:otherDomain] + [ints] + O.subD.intersections[otherDomain + 1:]
te = time.time()
numSubscribedHere = len(O.subD.ids) #total weigth of this domain, for load balancing after some erase
req = comm.isend([O.subD.intersections[otherDomain], O.subD._centers_of_mass[rank], numSubscribedHere], dest=otherDomain, tag=_MIRROR_INTERSECTIONS_)
newMirror = comm.recv(source=otherDomain, tag=_MIRROR_INTERSECTIONS_)
ts = time.time()
O.subD.updateNewMirrorIntrs(otherDomain, newMirror[0])
O.subD.mirrorIntersections = O.subD.mirrorIntersections[:otherDomain] + [newMirror[0]] + O.subD.mirrorIntersections[otherDomain + 1:]
te = time.time()
O.subD._centers_of_mass[otherDomain] = newMirror[1]
numSubscribedOther = newMirror[2]
giveAway = int(0.5 * (numSubscribedHere - numSubscribedOther))
candidates = _filter(rank, otherDomain, giveAway)
migrateBodies(candidates, rank, otherDomain) #send
migrateBodies(None, otherDomain, rank) #recv