# encoding: utf-8
Miscellaneous functions, which are useful for handling bodies.
from yade.wrapper import *
import utils, math, numpy
from yade.minieigenHP import *
def spheresPackDimensions(idSpheres=[], mask=-1):
"""The function accepts the list of spheres id's or list of bodies and calculates max and min dimensions, geometrical center.
:param list idSpheres: list of spheres
:param int mask: :yref:`Body.mask` for the checked bodies
:return: dictionary with keys ``min`` (minimal dimension, Vector3), ``max`` (maximal dimension, Vector3), ``minId`` (minimal dimension sphere Id, Vector3), ``maxId`` (maximal dimension sphere Id, Vector3), ``center`` (central point of bounding box, Vector3), ``extends`` (sizes of bounding box, Vector3), ``volume`` (volume of spheres, Real), ``mass`` (mass of spheres, Real), ``number`` (number of spheres, int),
idSpheresIter = []
if (len(idSpheres) < 1):
#check mask
ifSpherMask = []
if (mask > -1): #The case, when only the mask was given, without list of ids
for i in O.bodies:
if ((i.mask & mask) != 0):
if (len(ifSpherMask) < 2):
raise RuntimeWarning("Not enough bodies to analyze with given mask")
idSpheresIter = ifSpherMask
raise RuntimeWarning("Only a list of particles with length > 1 can be analyzed")
idSpheresIter = idSpheres
minVal = Vector3.Zero
maxVal = Vector3.Zero
minId = Vector3.Zero
maxId = Vector3.Zero
counter = 0
volume = 0.0
mass = 0.0
for i in idSpheresIter:
if (type(i).__name__ == 'int'):
b = O.bodies[i] #We have received a list of ID's
elif (type(i).__name__ == 'Body'):
b = i #We have recevied a list of bodies
raise TypeError("Unknow type of data, should be list of int's or bodies's")
if (b):
spherePosition = b.state.pos #skip non-existent spheres
sphereRadius = b.shape.radius #skip non-spheres
except AttributeError:
if (mask > -1) and ((mask & b.mask) == 0):
continue #skip bodies with wrong mask
sphereRadiusVec3 = Vector3(sphereRadius, sphereRadius, sphereRadius)
sphereMax = spherePosition + sphereRadiusVec3
sphereMin = spherePosition - sphereRadiusVec3
for dim in range(0, 3):
if ((sphereMax[dim] > maxVal[dim]) or (counter == 0)):
maxVal[dim] = sphereMax[dim]
maxId[dim] = b.id
if ((sphereMin[dim] < minVal[dim]) or (counter == 0)):
minVal[dim] = sphereMin[dim]
minId[dim] = b.id
volume += 4.0 / 3.0 * math.pi * sphereRadius * sphereRadius * sphereRadius
mass += b.state.mass
counter += 1
center = (maxVal - minVal) / 2.0 + minVal
extends = maxVal - minVal
dimensions = {
'max': maxVal,
'min': minVal,
'maxId': maxId,
'minId': minId,
'center': center,
'extends': extends,
'volume': volume,
'mass': mass,
'number': counter
return dimensions
def facetsDimensions(idFacets=[], mask=-1):
"""The function accepts the list of facet id's or list of facets and calculates max and min dimensions, geometrical center.
:param list idFacets: list of spheres
:param int mask: :yref:`Body.mask` for the checked bodies
:return: dictionary with keys ``min`` (minimal dimension, Vector3), ``max`` (maximal dimension, Vector3), ``minId`` (minimal dimension facet Id, Vector3), ``maxId`` (maximal dimension facet Id, Vector3), ``center`` (central point of bounding box, Vector3), ``extends`` (sizes of bounding box, Vector3), ``number`` (number of facets, int),
idFacetsIter = []
if (len(idFacets) < 1):
#check mask
ifFacetMask = []
if (mask > -1): #The case, when only the mask was given, without list of ids
for i in O.bodies:
if ((i.mask & mask) != 0):
if (len(ifFacetMask) < 2):
raise RuntimeWarning("Not enough bodies to analyze with given mask")
idFacetsIter = ifFacetMask
raise RuntimeWarning("Only a list of particles with length > 1 can be analyzed")
idFacetsIter = idFacets
minVal = Vector3.Zero
maxVal = Vector3.Zero
minId = Vector3.Zero
maxId = Vector3.Zero
counter = 0
for i in idFacetsIter:
if (type(i).__name__ == 'int'):
b = O.bodies[i] #We have received a list of ID's
elif (type(i).__name__ == 'Body'):
b = i #We have recevied a list of bodies
raise TypeError("Unknow type of data, should be list of int's or bodies's")
if (b):
p = b.state.pos
o = b.state.ori
s = b.shape
pt1 = p + o * s.vertices[0]
pt2 = p + o * s.vertices[1]
pt3 = p + o * s.vertices[2]
if (mask > -1) and ((mask & b.mask) == 0):
continue #skip bodies with wrong mask
facetMax = Vector3(max(pt1[0], pt2[0], pt3[0]), max(pt1[1], pt2[1], pt3[1]), max(pt1[2], pt2[2], pt3[2]))
facetMin = Vector3(min(pt1[0], pt2[0], pt3[0]), min(pt1[1], pt2[1], pt3[1]), min(pt1[2], pt2[2], pt3[2]))
for dim in range(0, 3):
if ((facetMax[dim] > maxVal[dim]) or (counter == 0)):
maxVal[dim] = facetMax[dim]
maxId[dim] = b.id
if ((facetMin[dim] < minVal[dim]) or (counter == 0)):
minVal[dim] = facetMin[dim]
minId[dim] = b.id
counter += 1
center = (maxVal - minVal) / 2.0 + minVal
extends = maxVal - minVal
dimensions = {'max': maxVal, 'min': minVal, 'maxId': maxId, 'minId': minId, 'center': center, 'extends': extends, 'number': counter}
return dimensions
def spheresModify(idSpheres=[], mask=-1, shift=Vector3.Zero, scale=1.0, orientation=Quaternion((0, 1, 0), 0.0), copy=False):
"""The function accepts the list of spheres id's or list of bodies and modifies them: rotating, scaling, shifting.
if copy=True copies bodies and modifies them.
Also the mask can be given. If idSpheres not empty, the function affects only bodies, where the mask passes.
If idSpheres is empty, the function search for bodies, where the mask passes.
:param Vector3 shift: Vector3(X,Y,Z) parameter moves spheres.
:param float scale: factor scales given spheres.
:param Quaternion orientation: orientation of spheres
:param int mask: :yref:`Body.mask` for the checked bodies
:returns: list of bodies if copy=True, and Boolean value if copy=False
idSpheresIter = []
if (len(idSpheres) == 0):
#check mask
ifSpherMask = []
if (mask > -1): #The case, when only the mask was given, without list of ids
for i in O.bodies:
if ((i.mask & mask) != 0):
if (len(ifSpherMask) == 0):
raise RuntimeWarning("No bodies to modify with given mask")
idSpheresIter = ifSpherMask
raise RuntimeWarning("No bodies to modify")
idSpheresIter = idSpheres
dims = spheresPackDimensions(idSpheresIter)
ret = []
for i in idSpheresIter:
if (type(i).__name__ == 'int'):
b = O.bodies[i] #We have received a list of ID's
elif (type(i).__name__ == 'Body'):
b = i #We have recevied a list of bodies
raise TypeError("Unknown type of data, should be list of int's or bodies")
sphereRadius = b.shape.radius #skip non-spheres
except AttributeError:
if (mask > -1) and ((mask & b.mask) == 0):
continue #skip bodies with wrong mask
if (copy):
b = sphereDuplicate(b)
b.state.pos = orientation * (b.state.pos - dims['center']) + dims['center']
b.shape.radius *= scale
b.state.mass *= pow(scale, 3)
b.state.inertia *= pow(scale, 5)
b.state.pos = (b.state.pos - dims['center']) * scale + dims['center']
b.state.pos += shift
if (copy):
if (copy):
return ret
return True
def sphereDuplicate(idSphere):
"""The functions makes a copy of sphere"""
i = idSphere
if (type(i).__name__ == 'int'):
b = O.bodies[i] #We have received a list of ID's
elif (type(i).__name__ == 'Body'):
b = i #We have recevied a list of bodies
raise TypeError("Unknown type of data, should be list of int's or bodies")
sphereRadius = b.shape.radius #skip non-spheres
except AttributeError:
return False
addedBody = utils.sphere(
fixed=not (b.dynamic),
return addedBody