Source code for cycler


Cycling through combinations of values, producing dictionaries.

You can add cyclers::

    from cycler import cycler
    cc = (cycler(color=list('rgb')) +
          cycler(linestyle=['-', '--', '-.']))
    for d in cc:

Results in::

    {'color': 'r', 'linestyle': '-'}
    {'color': 'g', 'linestyle': '--'}
    {'color': 'b', 'linestyle': '-.'}

You can multiply cyclers::

    from cycler import cycler
    cc = (cycler(color=list('rgb')) *
          cycler(linestyle=['-', '--', '-.']))
    for d in cc:

Results in::

    {'color': 'r', 'linestyle': '-'}
    {'color': 'r', 'linestyle': '--'}
    {'color': 'r', 'linestyle': '-.'}
    {'color': 'g', 'linestyle': '-'}
    {'color': 'g', 'linestyle': '--'}
    {'color': 'g', 'linestyle': '-.'}
    {'color': 'b', 'linestyle': '-'}
    {'color': 'b', 'linestyle': '--'}
    {'color': 'b', 'linestyle': '-.'}

import copy
from functools import reduce
from itertools import product, cycle
from operator import mul, add

__version__ = '0.10.0'

def _process_keys(left, right):
    Helper function to compose cycler keys.

    left, right : iterable of dictionaries or None
        The cyclers to be composed.

    keys : set
        The keys in the composition of the two cyclers.
    l_peek = next(iter(left)) if left is not None else {}
    r_peek = next(iter(right)) if right is not None else {}
    l_key = set(l_peek.keys())
    r_key = set(r_peek.keys())
    if l_key & r_key:
        raise ValueError("Can not compose overlapping cycles")
    return l_key | r_key

def concat(left, right):
    Concatenate `Cycler`\s, as if chained using `itertools.chain`.

    The keys must match exactly.

    >>> num = cycler('a', range(3))
    >>> let = cycler('a', 'abc')
    >>> num.concat(let)
    cycler('a', [0, 1, 2, 'a', 'b', 'c'])

        The concatenated cycler.
    if left.keys != right.keys:
        raise ValueError("Keys do not match:\n"
                         "\tIntersection: {both!r}\n"
                         "\tDisjoint: {just_one!r}".format(
                             both=left.keys & right.keys,
                             just_one=left.keys ^ right.keys))
    _l = left.by_key()
    _r = right.by_key()
    return reduce(add, (_cycler(k, _l[k] + _r[k]) for k in left.keys))

class Cycler:
    Composable cycles.

    This class has compositions methods:

      for 'inner' products (zip)

      in-place ``+``

      for outer products (`itertools.product`) and integer multiplication

      in-place ``*``

    and supports basic slicing via ``[]``.

    left, right : Cycler or None
        The 'left' and 'right' cyclers.
    op : func or None
        Function which composes the 'left' and 'right' cyclers.

    def __call__(self):
        return cycle(self)

    def __init__(self, left, right=None, op=None):
        Semi-private init.

        Do not use this directly, use `cycler` function instead.
        if isinstance(left, Cycler):
            self._left = Cycler(left._left, left._right, left._op)
        elif left is not None:
            # Need to copy the dictionary or else that will be a residual
            # mutable that could lead to strange errors
            self._left = [copy.copy(v) for v in left]
            self._left = None

        if isinstance(right, Cycler):
            self._right = Cycler(right._left, right._right, right._op)
        elif right is not None:
            # Need to copy the dictionary or else that will be a residual
            # mutable that could lead to strange errors
            self._right = [copy.copy(v) for v in right]
            self._right = None

        self._keys = _process_keys(self._left, self._right)
        self._op = op

    def __contains__(self, k):
        return k in self._keys

    def keys(self):
        """The keys this Cycler knows about."""
        return set(self._keys)

    def change_key(self, old, new):
        Change a key in this cycler to a new name.
        Modification is performed in-place.

        Does nothing if the old key is the same as the new key.
        Raises a ValueError if the new key is already a key.
        Raises a KeyError if the old key isn't a key.
        if old == new:
        if new in self._keys:
            raise ValueError(
                "Can't replace {old} with {new}, {new} is already a key"
                .format(old=old, new=new)
        if old not in self._keys:
            raise KeyError("Can't replace {old} with {new}, {old} is not a key"
                           .format(old=old, new=new))


        if self._right is not None and old in self._right.keys:
            self._right.change_key(old, new)

        # self._left should always be non-None
        # if self._keys is non-empty.
        elif isinstance(self._left, Cycler):
            self._left.change_key(old, new)
            # It should be completely safe at this point to
            # assume that the old key can be found in each
            # iteration.
            self._left = [{new: entry[old]} for entry in self._left]

    def _from_iter(cls, label, itr):
        Class method to create 'base' Cycler objects
        that do not have a 'right' or 'op' and for which
        the 'left' object is not another Cycler.

        label : str
            The property key.

        itr : iterable
            Finite length iterable of the property values.

            New 'base' cycler.
        ret = cls(None)
        ret._left = list({label: v} for v in itr)
        ret._keys = {label}
        return ret

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        # TODO : maybe add numpy style fancy slicing
        if isinstance(key, slice):
            trans = self.by_key()
            return reduce(add, (_cycler(k, v[key]) for k, v in trans.items()))
            raise ValueError("Can only use slices with Cycler.__getitem__")

    def __iter__(self):
        if self._right is None:
            for left in self._left:
                yield dict(left)
            for a, b in self._op(self._left, self._right):
                out = {}
                yield out

    def __add__(self, other):
        Pair-wise combine two equal length cyclers (zip).

        other : Cycler
        if len(self) != len(other):
            raise ValueError("Can only add equal length cycles, "
                             f"not {len(self)} and {len(other)}")
        return Cycler(self, other, zip)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        Outer product of two cyclers (`itertools.product`) or integer

        other : Cycler or int
        if isinstance(other, Cycler):
            return Cycler(self, other, product)
        elif isinstance(other, int):
            trans = self.by_key()
            return reduce(add, (_cycler(k, v*other) for k, v in trans.items()))
            return NotImplemented

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        return self * other

    def __len__(self):
        op_dict = {zip: min, product: mul}
        if self._right is None:
            return len(self._left)
        l_len = len(self._left)
        r_len = len(self._right)
        return op_dict[self._op](l_len, r_len)

    def __iadd__(self, other):
        In-place pair-wise combine two equal length cyclers (zip).

        other : Cycler
        if not isinstance(other, Cycler):
            raise TypeError("Cannot += with a non-Cycler object")
        # True shallow copy of self is fine since this is in-place
        old_self = copy.copy(self)
        self._keys = _process_keys(old_self, other)
        self._left = old_self
        self._op = zip
        self._right = Cycler(other._left, other._right, other._op)
        return self

    def __imul__(self, other):
        In-place outer product of two cyclers (`itertools.product`).

        other : Cycler
        if not isinstance(other, Cycler):
            raise TypeError("Cannot *= with a non-Cycler object")
        # True shallow copy of self is fine since this is in-place
        old_self = copy.copy(self)
        self._keys = _process_keys(old_self, other)
        self._left = old_self
        self._op = product
        self._right = Cycler(other._left, other._right, other._op)
        return self

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if len(self) != len(other):
            return False
        if self.keys ^ other.keys:
            return False
        return all(a == b for a, b in zip(self, other))

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not (self == other)

    __hash__ = None

    def __repr__(self):
        op_map = {zip: '+', product: '*'}
        if self._right is None:
            lab = self.keys.pop()
            itr = list(v[lab] for v in self)
            return f"cycler({lab!r}, {itr!r})"
            op = op_map.get(self._op, '?')
            msg = "({left!r} {op} {right!r})"
            return msg.format(left=self._left, op=op, right=self._right)

    def _repr_html_(self):
        # an table showing the value of each key through a full cycle
        output = "<table>"
        sorted_keys = sorted(self.keys, key=repr)
        for key in sorted_keys:
            output += f"<th>{key!r}</th>"
        for d in iter(self):
            output += "<tr>"
            for k in sorted_keys:
                output += f"<td>{d[k]!r}</td>"
            output += "</tr>"
        output += "</table>"
        return output

    def by_key(self):
        Values by key.

        This returns the transposed values of the cycler.  Iterating
        over a `Cycler` yields dicts with a single value for each key,
        this method returns a `dict` of `list` which are the values
        for the given key.

        The returned value can be used to create an equivalent `Cycler`
        using only `+`.

        transpose : dict
            dict of lists of the values for each key.

        # TODO : sort out if this is a bottle neck, if there is a better way
        # and if we care.

        keys = self.keys
        out = {k: list() for k in keys}

        for d in self:
            for k in keys:
        return out

    # for back compatibility
    _transpose = by_key

    def simplify(self):
        Simplify the cycler into a sum (but no products) of cyclers.

        simple : Cycler
        # TODO: sort out if it is worth the effort to make sure this is
        # balanced.  Currently it is is
        # (((a + b) + c) + d) vs
        # ((a + b) + (c + d))
        # I would believe that there is some performance implications
        trans = self.by_key()
        return reduce(add, (_cycler(k, v) for k, v in trans.items()))

    concat = concat

[docs] def cycler(*args, **kwargs): """ Create a new `Cycler` object from a single positional argument, a pair of positional arguments, or the combination of keyword arguments. cycler(arg) cycler(label1=itr1[, label2=iter2[, ...]]) cycler(label, itr) Form 1 simply copies a given `Cycler` object. Form 2 composes a `Cycler` as an inner product of the pairs of keyword arguments. In other words, all of the iterables are cycled simultaneously, as if through zip(). Form 3 creates a `Cycler` from a label and an iterable. This is useful for when the label cannot be a keyword argument (e.g., an integer or a name that has a space in it). Parameters ---------- arg : Cycler Copy constructor for Cycler (does a shallow copy of iterables). label : name The property key. In the 2-arg form of the function, the label can be any hashable object. In the keyword argument form of the function, it must be a valid python identifier. itr : iterable Finite length iterable of the property values. Can be a single-property `Cycler` that would be like a key change, but as a shallow copy. Returns ------- cycler : Cycler New `Cycler` for the given property """ if args and kwargs: raise TypeError("cyl() can only accept positional OR keyword " "arguments -- not both.") if len(args) == 1: if not isinstance(args[0], Cycler): raise TypeError("If only one positional argument given, it must " "be a Cycler instance.") return Cycler(args[0]) elif len(args) == 2: return _cycler(*args) elif len(args) > 2: raise TypeError("Only a single Cycler can be accepted as the lone " "positional argument. Use keyword arguments instead.") if kwargs: return reduce(add, (_cycler(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items())) raise TypeError("Must have at least a positional OR keyword arguments")
def _cycler(label, itr): """ Create a new `Cycler` object from a property name and iterable of values. Parameters ---------- label : hashable The property key. itr : iterable Finite length iterable of the property values. Returns ------- cycler : Cycler New `Cycler` for the given property """ if isinstance(itr, Cycler): keys = itr.keys if len(keys) != 1: msg = "Can not create Cycler from a multi-property Cycler" raise ValueError(msg) lab = keys.pop() # Doesn't need to be a new list because # _from_iter() will be creating that new list anyway. itr = (v[lab] for v in itr) return Cycler._from_iter(label, itr)