Source code for yade.math

# encoding: utf-8
#  2019      Janek Kozicki                                               #
#                                                                        #
#  This program is free software; it is licensed under the terms of the  #
#  GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. #
This python module exposes all C++ math functions for Real and Complex types to python.
In fact it sort of duplicates ``import math``, ``import cmath`` or ``import mpmath``.
Also it facilitates migration of old python scripts to high precision calculations.

This module has following purposes:

1. To reliably :ysrc:`test<py/tests/>` all C++ math functions of arbitrary precision Real and Complex types against mpmath.
2. To act as a "migration helper" for python scripts which call python mathematical functions that do not work
   well with mpmath. As an example see :yref:`yade.math.linspace` below and `this merge request <>`__
3. To allow writing python math code in a way that mirrors C++ math code in Yade. As a bonus it
   will be faster than mpmath because mpmath is a purely python library (which was one of the main
   difficulties when writing :ysrc:`lib/high-precision/ToFromPythonConverter.hpp`)
4. To test Eigen NumTraits
5. To test CGAL NumTraits

If another ``C++`` :ref:`math function<cpp-hp-compatibility>` is needed it should be added to following files:

1. :ysrc:`lib/high-precision/MathFunctions.hpp`
2. :ysrc:`py/high-precision/_math.cpp`
3. :ysrc:`py/tests/`
4. :ysrc:`py/tests/`

If another ``python`` math function does not work well with ``mpmath`` it should be added below, and original
calls to this function should call this function instead, e.g. ``numpy.linspace(…)`` is replaced with ``yade.math.linspace(…)``.

The ``RealHP<n>`` :ref:`higher precision<higher-hp-precision>` math functions can be accessed in python by using the ``.HPn`` module scope. For example::

   import yade.math as mth
   mth.HP2.sqrt(2) # produces square root of 2 using RealHP<2> precision
   mth.sqrt(2)     # without using HPn module scope it defaults to RealHP<1>


# all C++ functions are accessible now:
from yade._math import *

import yade.config

# import these two functions to yade.math
getDigits10 = yade._math.RealHPConfig.getDigits10
getDigits2 = yade._math.RealHPConfig.getDigits2

[docs] def needsMpmathAtN(N): """ :param N: The ``int`` N value of ``RealHP<N>`` in question. Must be ``N >= 1``. :return: ``True`` or ``False`` with information if using ``mpmath`` is necessary to avoid losing precision when working with ``RealHP<N>``. """ if (N < 1): raise ValueError("Incorrect N argument: " + str(N)) return yade._math.RealHPConfig.getDigits10(N) > 15
[docs] def usesHP(): """ :return: ``True`` if yade is using default ``Real`` precision higher than 15 digit (53 bits) ``double`` type. """ return needsMpmathAtN(1)
[docs] def getRealHPCppDigits10(): """ :return: tuple containing amount of decimal digits supported on C++ side by Eigen and CGAL. """ return tuple(yade._math.RealHPConfig.getDigits10(i) for i in yade._math.RealHPConfig.getSupportedByEigenCgal())
[docs] def getRealHPPythonDigits10(): """ :return: tuple containing amount of decimal digits supported on python side by yade.minieigenHP. """ return tuple(yade._math.RealHPConfig.getDigits10(i) for i in yade._math.RealHPConfig.getSupportedByMinieigen())
[docs] def linspace(a, b, num): """ This function calls ``numpy.linspace(…)`` or ``mpmath.linspace(…)``, because ``numpy.linspace`` function does not work with mpmath. """ if (needsMpmathAtN(1)): import mpmath return mpmath.linspace(a, b, num) else: import numpy return numpy.linspace(a, b, num=num)
[docs] def eig(a): """ This function calls ``numpy.linalg.eig(…)`` or ``mpmath.eig(…)``, because ``numpy.linalg.eig`` function does not work with mpmath. """ if (needsMpmathAtN(1)): import mpmath return mpmath.eig(a) else: import numpy return numpy.linalg.eig(a)
[docs] def toHP1(arg): """ This function is for compatibility of calls like: ``g = yade.math.toHP1("-9.81")``. If yade is compiled with default ``Real`` precision set as ``double``, then python won't accept string arguments as numbers. However when using higher precisions only calls ``yade.math.toHP1("1.234567890123456789012345678901234567890")`` do not cut to the first 15 decimal places. The calls such as ``yade.math.toHP1(1.234567890123456789012345678901234567890)`` will use default ``python`` ↔ ``double`` conversion and will cut the number to its first 15 digits. If you are debugging a high precision python script, and have difficulty finding places where such cuts have happened you should use ``yade.math.toHP1(string)`` for declaring all python floating point numbers which are physically important in the simulation. This function will throw exception if bad conversion is about to take place. Also see example high precision check :ysrc:`<scripts/checks-and-tests/checks/>`. """ if (type(arg) == float): raise RuntimeError( "Error: only first 15 digits would be used for arg = " + str(arg) + ", better pass the argument as string or python mpmath high precision type." ) #print('\033[91m'+"Warning: only 15 digits are used for arg = ",arg,'\033[0m') if ((type(arg) == str) and (not usesHP())): # also: ("PrecisionDouble" in yade.config.features) or (getDigits2(1)==53) or (getDigits10(1)==15) return yade._math.toHP1( float(arg) ) # if yade is compiled with `double` then toHP1(…) cannot accept string and python float has enough precision. So here we make sure it works. else: return yade._math.toHP1(arg)
[docs] def radiansHP1(arg): """ The default python function ``import math ; math.radians(arg)`` only works on 15 digit ``double`` precision. If you want to carry on calculations in higher precision it is advisable to use this function ``yade.math.radiansHP1(arg)`` instead. It uses full yade ``Real`` precision numbers. NOTE: in the future this function may replace ``radians(…)`` function which is called in yade in many scripts, and which in fact is a call to native python ``math.radians``. We only need to find the best backward compatible approach for this. The function ``yade.math.radiansHP1(arg)`` will remain as the function which uses native yade ``Real`` precision. """ return yade.math.HP1.Pi() * toHP1(arg) / toHP1(180)
# Note: why toHP1(…) is used differently in radiansHP1(…) and in degreesHP1(…) ? # * radiansHP1 is often used for specifying initial conditions for simulations. Call toHP1 makes sure that there is no loss in precision when same script switches to higher precision yade. # * degreesHP1 is rather used to extract results from trigonometric functions. In such case we allow to accept double type when it is guaranteed to not produce an error. # this little relaxation of requirements in degreesHP1 means that some script might break when switching to higher precision yade. But this breakage will be because # of improper use of precision in the script and will be properly detected.
[docs] def degreesHP1(arg): """ :return: arg in radians converted to degrees, using yade.math.Real precision. """ if ((type(arg) == float) and (not usesHP())): return toHP1(180) * arg / yade.math.HP1.Pi() else: return toHP1(180) * toHP1(arg) / yade.math.HP1.Pi()
radians = radiansHP1 degrees = degreesHP1 # Create convenience compatibility aliases for all n ∈ getSupportedByMinieigen() # yade.math.Real2 → yade._math.HP2.toHP2 Real = yade._minieigenHP.Real Complex = yade._minieigenHP.Complex HP1.Real = yade._minieigenHP.Real HP1.Complex = yade._minieigenHP.Complex Real1 = toHP1 # The loop below is the same as the commands above. But for higher n. for n in yade._math.RealHPConfig.getSupportedByMinieigen(): if (n == 1): continue exec('Real' + str(n) + '=yade._math.HP' + str(n) + '.toHP' + str(n), globals(), globals()) exec('HP' + str(n) + '.Real=yade._minieigenHP.HP' + str(n) + '.Real', globals(), globals()) exec('HP' + str(n) + '.Complex=yade._minieigenHP.HP' + str(n) + '.Complex', globals(), globals())